Our Services

VCS aims to be the best community-based family-centric social service agency. We deliver professional social services to promote fulfilling lives in the community. The Division of Professional and Practice Development supports and ensures quality professional practice and standards across all VCS’ programmes and services. The division also supports the professional development of our staff.

The Division seeks to build professional competency of our staff and enhance capacity so as to develop VCS’ capability to deliver excellent professional social services aligned to our vision and mission.

The Divisions comprises of five departments as below:

  • Service and Practice Standards
  • Service Quality Assurance
  • Training and Professional Education
  • Professional and Student Liaison
  • Research and Practice Research
  • Service and Practice Standards
  • Service Quality Assurance
  • Training and Professional Education
  • Professional and Student Liaison
  • Research and Practice Research

The Department of Service and Practice Standards focuses on supervision to support our professional staff in their practice so as to deliver quality services to the community. The department supports the professional development of our staff in their clinical practice and good performance aligned to the job requirements and organisation standards and policies.

In addition to supervision, the department also looks into the development of supervisory competency of our staff including supervision preparatory training and coaching, and supervision of supervision.

The Department of Service Quality Assurance looks into ensuring consistent quality of professional practice, service and programme delivery with high levels of practice governance. The departments supports our staff in their performance to meet service standards requirements to ensure quality services to the community.


The Department of Training and Professional Education looks into the training needs of our staff in order to enhance their competency and increase VCS’ overall professional capability to deliver quality services to meet current and future needs of the community.

Internal Training

The department organises regular ASK (Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) sessions to equip our staff with the required competencies and developments in the sector and profession.

External Training

VCS works with several local and overseas experts to deliver professional trainings to our staff and other professionals in the sector.


The Department of Professional and Student Liaison build strategic partnerships with other local and overseas agencies and institutes of higher learning to expand VCS’ professional capability to enhance our services to the community. We connect with renowned practitioners, academics, and students to promote exchanges for mutual learning and opportunities for developmental collaborations. Our programmes include:

  • Viriya Internship Programmes
  • Viriya Exchange Programmes
  • Viriya Fieldwork Education Support Grant

VCS is also working actively with other agencies to develop sectorial capabilities including Project Actor to develop simulation-based learning to enhance development of professional skills in social work students, supporting the Social Work Field Educators’ Day in 2020 and 2021 and involvement in various sectorial workgroups.

Viriya Field Work Education Support Grant

The Viriya Social Work Fieldwork Education Support Fund (FES) supports the education of social work students pursuing a diploma or degree in social work. The funds will be used as a fieldwork education support fund to support social work students who face financial challenges during their fieldwork education placement required as part of their coursework.

With the heightened needs, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Viriya FES will provide interim assistance to support the students in their education such that they can focus on their learning and competency building during their fieldwork placement.

The Viriya FES demonstrates Viriya Community Services’ commitment to professional development and growth of the social service sector.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Students aged 24 and below
  2. Enrolled in a diploma or undergraduate course in social work recognised by the skills framework jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)Workforce Singapore (WSG), the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), and National Council of Social Service (NCSS).
  3. Monthly household per capita income of $1,000 or below or meet eligibility criteria for Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Community Bursary for Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL).
  4. Accepted for fieldwork education placement recognised by the IHLs where they are pursuing their social work education.


Successful applicants will be supported as below:

Diploma course:

  1. $800 per year 2 placement
  2. $1,200 per year 3 placement

Undergraduate course:

  1. $1,600 per placement

As part of the terms and conditions of the fund, successful applicants would be required to do a complete a service-learning project through one of the following means:

  • Support a sectorial project
  • Present their reflection and learning during the inaugural Singapore Social Work Fieldwork Conference in December 2020

Interested applicants will have to fill up the application form and email the completed form with the following supporting documents* to contact@viriya.org.sg

*Required supporting documents are as below:

  1. Soft copies of front and back of student NRIC and IHL issued student pass
  2. Household income documents
  3. Supporting document of student’s fieldwork education placement

Download application form HERE.

The Department of Research and Practice Research promotes research as an integral part of VCS’ professional practice. The team supports VCS in enhance our capability to integrate research to enhance our practice and inform service design and delivery to best serve the community.

Some of our initiatives include:​

  • Practice Research and Service Impact Evaluation
  • Research Brown Bag sessions, Cafe & Lab​​
  • Research Consultations

VCS has developed our 4C model to systematically integrate research into our efforts into our professional practice. Through the framework, VCS develops our staff competency and organisation capacity to conduct research to improve understanding of key societal issues and design impactful services and programmes. The framework considers organisational policies and implementation plans to ensure that research efforts in VCS are purposeful and relevant to our vision and mission and the concerns of the community.

  1. Unlock Capability
  2. Enhance Competency
  3. Facilitate Curiosity
  4. Encourage Creativity