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Support Forum: School Stress

09-09-2020   8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This series focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of children and youths and how they can be supported to maintain mental wellness and cope with the stress of returning to school and facing the year-end examinations despite the disruptions of the pandemic.
Through this series, we hope to support educators and parents of school-going children with the knowledge of the stress and struggles our children and youth are experiencing while providing practical tips in helping them cope through the new term and examination periods.

Program Synopsis:
• Managing Examination Stress
Explores how examinations stress can affect children and youth and ways for children and youths to manage their examination stress.

• Parenting Children and Youths
Shares how parents can support their children and youths through the changes and continue to manage the academic demands and prepare for the year-end exams despite the various disruptions.

• Understanding Mental Health Needs of Children and Youths
The sessions discuss how children and youths could be affected by the many changes due to COVID-19 and the new school arrangement.

Eligibility criteria:
Has access to online video conferencing software via phone or computer

Register here: SchoolStress

Alternatively, scan the QR code below:


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm