The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful, causing fear and anxiety in adults and children.
Through this online forum, we hope that participants can better cope and manage these anxious feeling and can better understand the underlying issues that fuel these fears.
We will also be sharing practical tips on how to cope with these feelings. Each session focuses on a different theme, hence join us each session to have a wholesome time of understanding and sharing on anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stress during a crisis can include:
Program Synopsis:
• Understanding Worries and Anxieties
Understanding what worries, stress and anxiety are and learn to identify signs of worries and anxieties within ourselves.
• Breaking out of the Anxiety Trap
Understanding what makes us anxious and how we can put a stop to persistent worrying and anxiety.
• Catching Thinking Errors
Understanding the various thinking errors and how we can avoid them by adopting more adaptive ways of thinking.
• Managing Anxiety through the Uncertainties
Discusses ways that we can manage and cope with anxiety and uncertainty as we continue into the new normal.
Eligibility criteria:
Has access to online video conferencing software via phone or computer
Register here: Anxiety2
Alternatively, scan the QR code below: